Alchemy has been present in many ancient cultures (Chinese, Egyptian and Greek) and has had a consistent presence in European culture since the Middle Ages. It has traditionally been thought of as the art of turning base metal into gold. However, even on a cursory examination, it becomes clear that Alchemy is also about spiritual transformation and knowing the divine. The famous Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung believed that Alchemy encapsulated in its images processes of the human mind and this has given the art its current vogue among the esoteric community.
An allegory is a fictional work or artistic expression that has an important symbolic meaning that parallels the literal interpretation.
Traditionally angels are perceived as being spirit entities that act as intermediaries between the divine and the human. They are generally seen as being sexless.
According to Jung “Archetypes”, or primordial images, make up the collective unconscious (see definition later in this glossary). They correspond to experiences such as confronting death or choosing a life partner and manifest symbolically in religions, myths, fairy tales, and fantasies. A goddess or a god can be considered as a kind of Archetype, as can many images within the Tarot.
Astrology is the study of the planets and stars and how they affect life on the Earth.
Autonomous means “self-governing”. A big attraction of Witchcraft is that Witches can be their own rulers and there is little hierarchy in most traditions outside of a High Priestess and Priest.
Buddhism is a major world religion; it was founded in north-eastern India and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, or the Enlightened One.
Ceremonial Magic
Ceremonial Magic is often referred to as High Magic. At heart it is a series of practices to effect Union with the Divine.
Chakric energy
Energy that emanates from one or more of the Chakras. The Chakras are energy centers within the body. Traditionally it is seen that there are seven of these located at the crown, throat, heart/lungs, solar plexus, sacrum and the region between the genitals and anus.
Charge of the Goddess
The Charge of the Goddess was written by Doreen Valiente. It is a poem, originally found in the Gardnerian Book of Shadows, and used widely throughout Wicca.
Christianity is a major monotheistic world religion that believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the savior of humanity.
Collective Unconscious
Jung believed that on a deep level all humans are connected. The collective unconscious contains elements of our race’s experiences throughout history, it is the place where inhabit the “Archetypes”. It is thought by some scientists that a collective unconscious may exist in some other mammals.
Traditionally a coven is a group of thirteen Witches that come together regularly for religious and magical practice. It is quite common to have covens with just three members.
Crystal healing
It is a common belief in Wicca that crystals have subtle electro-magnetic properties that help cure illness and disease. Others would also state that the colors of the crystals have a beneficial effect.
Cunning-folk were known for a range of practices that included lifting curses and bewitchments, love magic, herbalism and curing diseases in animals as well as humans. A few also practiced Astrology. The term “cunning” when used in this context is not pejorative. Some modern day Wiccans claim such people were Witches and that they are their direct descendants. Others see this as quite an odd claim to make as there is actually evidence that Cunning-folk aided the persecution of those who it was claimed were Witches during the craze in the seventeenth century. On point see Jeffrey B. Russell, A History of Witchcraft, Sorcerers, Heretics and Pagans, p.97.
The divine, all powerful and pervasive force in creation, commonly worked with as the Goddess and God in Wicca.
Deosil is a word of Gaelic provenance that means in the direction of the Sun or clockwise.
A being that is half divine.
The practice of foretelling future events.
Dogma is an authoritative and precise statement of religious doctrine that is given as an unquestionable fact. Witches generally have a strong aversion to dogma.
In magic it is seen that all creation owes its existence to the four Elemental Forces of Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
Enochian Magic
Enochian Magic is a magical system that derives from the Elizabethan mage John Dee (1527-1608) and his accomplice Edward Kelley. It was developed by the Golden Dawn and some Witches choose to specialize in it. It is generally considered an advanced subject and is not recommended for beginners.
The equinox is a twenty four hour period in spring and autumn when day and night are approximately the same everywhere on Earth. Equinoxes happen on or around the 21st of March and the 21st of September.
Monthly meeting of a group of Witches usually at, or around, the Full Moon.
The largest fraternal organization in the world, believing in a duty to God, one’s country, family and fellow human beings. Much Masonic symbolism and ceremony has found its way into magical practice over the centuries.
Golden Dawn
Also known as The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a famous and very influential Victorian magical society, albeit one that was short-lived in its original form.
Greater and Lesser Sabbats
The Greater and Lesser Sabbats constitute the annular cycle of Wiccan festivities.
The Greater Sabbats, also known as the Cross Quarter days, are:
Imbolg (variant spellings include Immolg or Imbolc), 2nd Feb
Beltane (variant spellings include Beltaine or Bealtaine), May Eve
Lughnasdh, August Eve
Samhain, November Eve
The Lesser Sabbats are the:
Mid-winter solstice or Yule
Vernal (or spring) equinox or Eostre or Ostara
Mid-summer solstice or Litha
Autumnal equinox or Mabon
Higher Self
The part of one’s psyche that is directly connected to the divine.
Holy Guardian Angel
One’s personal angelic entity through which one may consciously appreciate the divine.
The study of herbs and their practical applications for magical, healing and culinary purposes.
High Priest
In a coven setting a High Priest is typically very experienced in Wicca and has the equivalent knowledge and skills of a Third Degree Witch. Along with the High Priestess he will play a part in leading the rites and rituals. Not all covens follow this general rule though; some use a system of rotation where every male Witch will takes a turn for a period of time. Usually a High Priest’s duties extend beyond the circle in that he shoulders responsibility for administrative and organizational tasks, sometimes alongside the High Priestess and sometimes not.
High Priestess
Similarly a High Priestess is a very experienced Witch who along with the High Priest leads the ceremonies. Some covens though have methods of rotation so that all female members will have the experience of leading. Along with the High Priest, she will generally organize the day to day running of the coven.
In Wicca immanent is a term applied to deity, which is believed to exist in all things throughout the whole of creation.
Initiatory system of Three Degrees
Many traditions of Wicca have three levels of attainment that can be progressed through, typically a year and a day at a time. This is achieved by a mixture of study, practice and examination. How the degree is conferred varies; some traditions allow self-initiation whilst others will only let it be given by senior Witches. Each level confers certain rights and responsibilities, although quite how these are defined varies from one tradition to another.
Invocation can be described as “Calling-in”. It is used only for entities that are equal to, or greater than, the person doing the invoking. Invocation is only done within a properly constructed circle. Invocation differs from evocation, in that evocation is for lesser entities that are conjured outside of the circle, usually in a triangle.
Judaism is the religious culture of the Jews and is one of the oldest religions on Earth.
Originally a branch of Jewish mysticism that for centuries in the West has underpinned much magical practice. Its incorporation in Wicca owes much to the influence of the Golden Dawn. In the occult world its study generally focuses on the great symbol of the Tree of Life which aims to be a representation of all things, showing the order of creation and the pathway to Divinity.
Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “actions”. It is widely believed in Wicca that what one does comes back with equal force. Right actions equal right experiences. Karma exists on all levels of creation and is one of the principles behind nature. It is often referred to as “perfect balance” and can be personified as a powerful goddess.
Levels of Being
Witches generally believe that humans are made from several layers or levels of being that are non-physical. It is generally believed that these can be worked with to effect magic and get closer to the Goddess and the God.
Neolithic Period
The Neolithic is a period of time that saw the origins of farming and a more sedentary way of life than hunter-gatherers had. It is typified by the use of pottery and of polished or ground stone tools.
Ogham is an alphabet of Gaelic origin. It may have been named after Ogma, god of eloquence, who was champion of the Tuatha De Danaan, a mythical Irish race.
The word Pagan derives from the Latin Paganus, meaning “country dweller”. It was a term originally applied by Christians to those who retained their old religious beliefs and practices. Today it is used to describe a multitude of native or “traditional” religions. Wiccans are often referred to as neo-Pagans to emphasize the fact that Wicca is a modern religion.
Pantheists believe that the God/dess and the material world are one. They see that the God/dess is present in all things.
A pantheon is all the goddesses and gods in the religion or mythology of a particular culture.
A patriarch is a respected male figure, be he a god or a human.
Polytheism means belief in many deities.
Prana is a Hindu word meaning “moving force” or “breath”. It is seen as the life force that circulates within the body and that may be breathed in through the air.
In Wicca every Witch is a priestess or priest and has responsibility for developing their own learning and practice.
The psyche can be considered to be the whole of the human mind on all levels, conscious and unconscious.
The word “Psychic” when used as an adjective describes the supernormal character of certain phenomena. When used as a noun it refers to a medium.
Psychic Protection
The mind exists on many different levels and during magical practice it can sometimes be vulnerable. For this reason those that practice magic do so in such a way that protection is assured. This should not be unduly stressed about; for example, crossing a road can be far more dangerous, but precautions are necessary and no Witch will work magic without having first cast a circle.
Psychometry is the ability to gain impressions from a physical object and its history. A psychometrist is the practitioner of this art.
Quantum Theory is a branch of physics that attempts to explain the behavior of subatomic matter. Scientists are divided as to how far the laws of Quantum Mechanics affect the behavior of matter above the subatomic level. This form of physics is of interest to Witches as many things that Quantum Mechanics posits correlates to occult philosophy as well as some forms of Eastern philosophical and religious thought.
A practitioner of Reiki places their hands on a patient with the aim of inducing natural healing. Practitioners will the Reiki energy, which they believe underlies everything in the universe, to effect a cure.
Seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters
The seasonal quarters are:
Mid-winter solstice or Yule
Vernal equinox or Eostre or Ostara
Mid-summer solstice or Litha
Autumnal equinox or Mabon
The Cross Quarter days are:
Imbolg or Imbolc, 2nd Feb
Beltane or Beltaine, May Eve
Lughnasdh or Lammas, July 31st
Samhain, November Eve
In Wicca the term “Sabbat” refers to one of the eight seasonal celebrations based on the solar cycle.
The Rosicrucians are a large international fraternal organization that pursue esoteric knowledge. Teachings include Kabbalah, Egyptian Hermeticism and Gnosticsm as well as other occult beliefs. Like Freemasonry much Rosicrucian practice has been influential on magic in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
A shaman is essentially a medium, who acts as a channel for spirits. Traditionally a shaman’s work consists of healing and divination.
In Wicca there is a strong tradition of working naked, or Skyclad. This derives from Gerald Gardner who was a naturist. Most Wiccans believe that the human body is nothing to be ashamed of and many see that clothes can impinge magical energies. However, as Wicca becomes more and more in the public domain there is a growing number of Witches who now work clothed for most, if not all of, the time.
A solitary is a Witch who practices Witchcraft by themselves.
The Solstices are the longest and shortest days of the year. They happen on or around the 21st of June and the 21st of December.
Spiritualism is the belief that the dead manifest in the material world usually through a medium or clairvoyant. Although it has been believed in since the dawn of recorded history modern spiritualism has its roots in nineteenth century research.
A talisman is a deliberately constructed object made for working a specific magical purpose. Often it has complex symbols inscribed upon it, which constitute magical formulae.
In Wicca, deity is referred to as transcendent as it is generally considered to be unknowable completely. It may be as well that deity exists outside our Universe as well as within it.
Wiccan Initiation
See “Initiatory system of Three Degrees” above.
Wicca and Witchcraft
Some Witches draw a sharp distinction between “Witchcraft” and “Wicca”, seeing that “Witchcraft” is a set of magical practices that can be performed by anyone regardless of their beliefs and that “Wicca” is a formalized religion. Some go so far as never to use the term “Witch” to describe themselves, preferring “Wiccan” instead. Others, including many well known established Wiccan authors, blur the distinction and use “Wicca” and “Witchcraft”, “Wiccan” and “Witch” interchangeably. As a School we are in this latter camp, but we strive to make sure our students are always aware of other ways of seeing things.
When moving “widdershins”, an anti-Sun or anti-clockwise direction is taken.
Woden and Freya
Woden is the chief God in the Germanic pantheon and Freya/Frigg is often seen as his wife. There is debate among established sources as to whether Freya and Frigg can be considered as the same goddess; some state that at one time they may have been equivalent, others see Frig as Woden’s wife and consider Freya to be another entity.
Yang and Yin
Yang is the light, positive and masculine principle in Chinese philosophy. Yin is the dark, negative, feminine principle.